Thursday, 29 November 2012

Alson Lands a 'jewel' with the addition of Rolex watch

Call this new partnership a "jewel" of Chad and David Schriebman and the fourth generation of the family, Alson Jewelers in Woodmere. The store is now an official supplier of Rolex Watches. Rolex has been a leading name in luxury watches for over a century.

"Alson is constantly striving to offer our customers the best brands of designer jewelry and Swiss watches. Being an Official Rolex Jeweler will do just that," said Chad Schreibman. "When people think of the brand recognition is Nike, is Coca-Cola, Rolex Replica Watches and is right there, not only in our industry, but with other brands, too."

Schreibman Rolex is "very demanding" to your partner, but the selection of Alson Jewelers as Roberto Coin, David Yurman has been one of the great attractions of the store.

"There are lots of nice shops, fine jewelry market in Cleveland, but happen to have some big names, Rolex felt I wanted to be part of this," he said. "Customers are happy to recognize that this is a great effort on our part, too."

Schreibman said customers come into the store just to congratulate the association.

Alson also renovated to provide a new "view Rolex" in its store 28149 Chagrin Blvd.

"I think we will have the largest inventory in the greater Cleveland," he said. "So we're all pumped."

The store celebrates its 81st and association Rolex 6-9 on Friday, November 30.

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